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These are the css variables that are available for use in the theme.


Media queries don't allow you to use CSS variables, so they are only available as SASS variables. These are the theme's breakpoints.

$xsmall: 320px;
$small: 580px;
$medium: 950px;
$large: 1300px;

It is okay to use pixel values in media queries when making CSS styles overrides in-page. We recommend sticking to these breakpoint values for consistency. Whenever possible, use mobile-first design and adjust styles with min-width media queries:

@media (min-width: 581px) {   }
@media (min-width: 951px) { }
@media (min-width: 1301x) { }

There are a few cases where you need to override a style specifically at a smaller screen. In these cases, max-width queries are acceptable:

@media (max-width: 580px) {   }
@media (max-width: 950px) { }
@media (max-width: 1300px) { }


This is a complete list of color variables in the theme. We highly recommend that if you are altering color on something, you use a variable rather than a hex or rgb value, with a possible exception for rgba values that need alpha transparency.

.change-color {
color: var(--blue--darker--80);

[data-theme="dark"] .change-color {
color: var(--blue--lighter--80);

Brand Colors

--black: #262b2f;
--gray--darker--80: #14181b;
--gray--darker--60: #293036;
--gray--darker--40: #3d4950;
--gray--darker--20: #52616b;
--gray: #667986;
--gray--lighter--20: #8394a0;
--gray--lighter--40: #a2afb8;
--gray--lighter--60: #c1cad0;
--gray--lighter--80: #e0e4e7;
--gray--lighter--90: #f0f2f3;
--white: #fff;

--dark-blue--darker--80: #000d1b;
--dark-blue--darker--60: #001936;
--dark-blue--darker--40: #002651;
--dark-blue--darker--20: #00326c;
--dark-blue: #003f87;
--dark-blue--lighter--20: #0062d2;
--dark-blue--lighter--40: #1e87ff;
--dark-blue--lighter--60: #69afff;
--dark-blue--lighter--80: #b4d7ff;

--blue--darker--80: #001828;
--blue--darker--60: #003150;
--blue--darker--40: #004978;
--blue--darker--20: #0062a0;
--blue: #007ac8;
--blue--lighter--20: #079eff;
--blue--lighter--40: #45b6ff;
--blue--lighter--60: #83cfff;
--blue--lighter--80: #c1e7ff;

--dark-green--darker--80: #00150d;
--dark-green--darker--60: #002b19;
--dark-green--darker--40: #004026;
--dark-green--darker--20: #005632;
--dark-green: #006b3f;
--dark-green--lighter--20: #338965;
--dark-green--lighter--40: #66a68c;
--dark-green--lighter--60: #99c4b2;
--dark-green--lighter--80: #cce1d9;

--green--darker--80: #0f1a06;
--green--darker--60: #1e340c;
--green--darker--40: #2c4e12;
--green--darker--20: #3b6818;
--green: #4a821e;
--green--lighter--20: #6e9b4b;
--green--lighter--40: #92b478;
--green--lighter--60: #b7cda5;
--green--lighter--80: #dbe6d2;

--light-green--darker--80: #252b02;
--light-green--darker--60: #4a5604;
--light-green--darker--40: #708206;
--light-green--darker--20: #95ad08;
--light-green: #bad80a;
--light-green--lighter--20: #c8e03b;
--light-green--lighter--40: #d6e86c;
--light-green--lighter--60: #e3ef9d;
--light-green--lighter--80: #f1f7ce;

Special Use Colors

--red: #cc2d30;

--yellow: #ffc61e;
--yellow--lighter--40: #ffe38f;

--purple--lighter--80: #ebcfee;
--purple--lighter--60: #d79fdc;
--purple--lighter--40: #c26fcb;
--purple--lighter--20: #ae3fb9;
--purple: #9a0fa8;

--table-blue: #edf8ff;
--table-blue--darker--10: #daecf8;
--table-blue--darker--15: #c5dff0;
--table-blue--darker--5: #e4f2fb;
--table-gray: #ffffff;
--table-gray--darker--10: #eeeeee;
--table-gray--darker--15: #e4e4e4;
--table-gray--darker--5: #f5f5f6;

RGB Values

For easy use with rgba/transparency, added only as needed.

--black--rgb: 28, 32, 35;
--blue--rgb: 0, 122, 200;
--dark-blue--darker--40--rgb: 0, 38, 81;
--green--rgb: 93, 162, 37;
--light-green--rgb: 186, 216, 10;
--red--rgb: 204, 45, 48;
--yellow--rgb: 255, 198, 30;
--white--rgb: 255, 255, 255;


--gradient--vertical--light-blue: linear-gradient(
to bottom,
var(--blue--lighter--40) 0,
var(--blue--lighter--60) 100%

--gradient--vertical--dark-blue: linear-gradient(
to bottom,
var(--dark-blue--darker--40) 0,
var(--dark-blue) 100%

--gradient--vertical--light-green: linear-gradient(
to bottom,
var(--light-green--lighter--20) 0,
var(--light-green) 100%

--gradient--vertical--blue-to-dark-blue: linear-gradient(
to bottom,
rgba(var(--dark-blue--darker--40--rgb), 0.9)

--gradient--horizontal--dark-blue-to-transparent: linear-gradient(
to right,
rgba(var(--dark-blue--darker--40--rgb), 1) 0%,
rgba(var(--dark-blue--darker--40--rgb), 0.5) 100%

--gradient--diagonal--blue-to-dark-blue: linear-gradient(
to right bottom,
--gradient--diagonal--dark-blue-to-black: linear-gradient(
to left bottom,


Font families

--font--sans-serif: "Fira Sans", sans-serif;
--font--serif: "PT Serif", serif;
--font--hyperlegible: "Atkinson Hyperlegible", sans-serif;
--font--dyslexia-friendly: "Open Dyslexic", sans-serif;
--font--title: "Montserrat", sans-serif;

Font weights

--font-weight--light: 300;
--font-weight--regular: 400;
--font-weight--semibold: 600;
--font-weight--bold: 700;
--font-weight--black: 900;

Font sizes

We use Fluid Typography, so our font sizes scale directly with the viewport size. Our font sizes are based on major second scale, with a few small adjustments.

--font-size--xs: 0.75em;
--font-size--sm: 0.9em;
--font-size--md: 1em;
--font-size--lg: 1.125em;
--font-size--xl: 1.266em;
--font-size--2xl: 1.424em;
--font-size--3xl: 1.602em;
--font-size--4xl: 1.802em;
--font-size--5xl: 2.027em;
--font-size--6xl: 2.281em;
--font-size--7xl: 2.566em;
--font-size--8xl: 3.653em;
--font-size--9xl: 4.11em;


Heading sizes and colors are set using the font size and color variables above. These are their default values the :root

--h1-color: var(--blue--darker--80);
--h1-size: var(--font-size--7xl);
--h2-color: var(--blue--darker--60);
--h2-size: var(--font-size--4xl);
--h3-color: var(--blue--darker--40);
--h3-size: var(--font-size--3xl);
--h4-color: var(--blue--darker--20);
--h4-size: var(--font-size--2xl);
--h5-color: var(--blue);
--h5-size: var(--font-size--xl);
--h6-color: var(--blue);
--h6-size: var(--font-size--lg);

When altering heading styles, the recommended method is to reset the heading variables in the highest possible containing element and using css variables, rather than on a heading element itself. This helps keep selector specificity and overall CSS complexity lower. We also recommend resetting values with provided theme variables, rather than direct hex/pixel/em values, for consistency with brand, accessibility, and overall scaling.

In other words, do this:

.some-container {
--h2-size: var(--font-size-md);
--h2-color: var(--blue);

Not this:

h2 {
font-size: 20px;
color: #007ac8;
.some-container {
--h2-color: var(--blue);
[data-theme="dark"] .some-container {
--h2-color: var(--blue--lighter--20);

Page layout


--space--2xs: 0.25rem;
--space--xs: 0.5rem;
--space--sm: 0.75rem;
--space--md: 1rem;
--space--lg: 1.5rem;
--space--xl: 2rem;
--space--2xl: 3rem;
--space--3xl: 4rem;

Content areas

--content-area-max-width: 60rem; 
--content-area-max-width--sm: 40rem;

Content area grids

--grid-columns--sm: var(--space--sm) 1fr var(--space--sm);
--grid-columns--lg: 1fr var(--content-area-max-width) 1fr;


Borders and outlines

--border-width--sm: 0.0625rem; 
--border-width--md: 0.125rem;
--border-width--lg: 0.1875rem;
--border-radius--roundest: 6.25rem;
--border-radius--rounder: 0.625rem;
--border-radius--round: 0.125rem;


--shadow--hard: 0 0.0625rem 0.1875rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4),0 0.0625rem 0.125rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
--shadow--soft: 0 0.1875rem 0.375rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16),
0 0.1875rem 0.375rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23);
--shadow--soft--hover: 0 0.0625rem 0.1875rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12),
0 0.0625rem 0.125rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24);
--shadow--dark-mode: 0 0.1875rem 0.375rem rgba(0, 122, 200, 0.7),
0 0.1875rem 0.375rem rgba(0, 63, 135, 0.9);
--shadow--dark-mode--hover: 0 0.0625rem 0.1875rem rgba(0, 122, 200, 0.12),
0 0.0625rem 0.125rem rgba(0, 63, 135, 0.24);


--icon-size--2xs: 1rem;
--icon-size--xs: 1.125rem;
--icon-size--sm: 1.5rem;
--icon-size--md: 2.25rem;
--icon-size--lg: 3rem;

Touch Targets

--touch-target--min: 44px;
--logo-size: 8rem;
--logo--horizontal--width: 25rem;
--logo--horizontal--height: 6.25rem;


--checkbox-size: 1rem;


--transition-speed--slow: 800ms;
--transition-speed--md: 400ms;
--transition-speed--fast: 200ms;
--ease--standard: ease;