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37 posts tagged with "minor-release"

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Stephanie Paulantis
Carly Gerard
Max Bronsema


** June 18, 2024 **

  • New Feature: Search Settings
  • New Feature: Option added to disable Google Tag Manager in theme settings
  • 2D scroll fixes
    • Responsive table script added to contain horizontal scroll to table container only
    • Reduced font size for large headings on very small screens
    • Style adjustements for testimonials and profile photos


** July 15, 2024 **

  • Threads removed from WWU footer
  • Custom element bug fixed
  • Site name added to noscript header
  • Tag manager removed from theme
  • Converted jQuery to Vanilla JS in a few components

Stephanie Paulantis
Carly Gerard
Max Bronsema


** May 15, 2024 **

  • Improvements to Cypress testing
  • Converted material icons font to woff2 format
  • ceditor fix
  • styles in preparation for decorative hrs
  • fix for duplicated footer id from noscript


** May 6, 2024 **

  • Update catalog ID to match 2024-25 catalog
  • Improvements to Details styles
  • Updates to components docs to include scripts
  • Improvements to content switcher mobile styles


** April 22, 2024 **

  • Added code samples to status alert pattern page
  • Fix for list nesting on Wordpress
  • Acalog widget implementation
  • Remove off canvas reset styles


** April 8, 2024 **

  • Added an option for having accordion items expanded by default
  • Replace support for Block Type Templates module with theme suggestion hook


** April 1, 2024 **

  • Adjusted heading size in status alert links
  • Small adjustment for testimonial styles


** March 25, 2024 **

  • Duplicate component error fix
  • Improve documentation for background videos
  • Acalog widget API library fix


** March 18, 2024 **

  • Adjustment for font-size--smaller in views
  • exclude *.cy.js files from gulp builds
  • Clarify documentation on Material Icons


** February 27, 2024 **

  • Cypress automated deployment added
  • Better header component documentation


** February 12, 2024 **

  • Various styles for MABEL's Archipelago launch
  • Component fix to prevent duplication
  • Main Navigation component a11y improvement


** February 5, 2024 **

  • Ultimenu fix for Drupal 9.5
  • Helper styles for CKEditor 5


** January 29, 2024 **

  • New: Cypress Testing integration! Automated testing for component development, woohoo!
  • New Byline Styles available
  • Docusaurus upgraded to version 3.1.0

Stephanie Paulantis
Carly Gerard
Max Bronsema


** January 16, 2024 **

  • Main navigation now useable as a standalone component


** January 4, 2024 **

  • New: Search now uses Google Search Console
  • Updates for Drupal 10

Stephanie Paulantis
Carly Gerard
Max Bronsema


** December 11, 2023 **

  • Layout builder style bug fix
  • Pager style fix
  • NPM Updates


** November 20, 2023 **

  • Further markup fixes for alerts


** November 13, 2023 **

  • Markup fix for alerts
  • Wordpress style fix
  • Template declaration path fix


** November 6, 2023 **

  • Library cleanup for unused JS file
  • Pager style fix for views with cards
  • Statistics style fix


** October 16, 2023 **

  • Font size adjustment for event lists
  • NPM vulnerability fixes


** October 2, 2023 **

  • Backups for catalog customization added
  • cta fix
  • responsive table fix


** September 11, 2023 **

  • New CTA style options: .small and .no-animation
  • Gulp task: removed jQuery from js files in CDN


** September 6, 2023 **

  • Gulp tasks updated to generate CDN folder
  • some material icon fixes


** August 14, 2023 **

  • Centered CTAs with material icons and added additional documentation
  • Mobile header height issues fix


** August 7, 2023 **

  • Adjustments to accordion js, to fix some issues with svg icon/material icon discrepencies when used in views


** July 31, 2023 **

  • Social media icon updates in WWU footer- Threads added, Twitter icon updated
  • Styles added for upcoming MABEL update
  • Some small fixes for upcoming WCAG updates


** July 24, 2023 **

  • A few material icon fixes from last update
  • Readme update to make cloning and install more straitforward


** July 17, 2023 **

  • Visual fix for org charts

Some performance improvements around how fonts are loaded

Only essential fonts are preloaded now. The material icons font (which is quite larger) is no longer loaded by default. Instead:

  • Components with static icons (like the WWU Header and footer, and some components like content switchers) now use SVG versions of the material icons. So these are still packaged with those components
  • Drupal block types that use material icons in an open ended way (like Call to Action links and Announcements) will load the library when they are included in a page
  • They are loaded as part of the accordion library. So if you are already loading ashlar/accordion (say, in a view) then you also get material icons
  • They can also be included by themselves by loading the ashlar/material-icons library (for example, in a view using the Views Attach Library module)

If you notice a page where material icons were loading, but aren't any more, please [](contact Stephanie) so she can advise on the best way to get the library loaded in your use case.


** July 10, 2023 **

  • Author tags unlinked in comments


** July 3, 2023 **

  • Sticky header class option/improvements for tables
  • Styles added for Wordpress blocks in preparation for Wordpress Ashlar themeing
  • Revert views html list template to default


** June 27, 2023 **

  • Search fix


** June 20, 2023 **

  • Keyboard use improvements for content switchers


** June 12, 2023**

  • Word break helper class added
  • NPM updates


June 5, 2023

  • Minor style changes for detail elements
  • Improvements to variable documentation
  • Configuration fix for docusaurus


May 30, 2023

  • Styles for new MABEL (not active, just backups for inline styles on Archipelego)
  • Card style fixes for hover cards and heading size overrides
  • Updates for incoming block configuration syncs


May 15, 2023

  • Readme has been updated
  • Clean up on block type templates in preparation to block configuration updates
  • Updates to docusaurus config for new url (


May 8, 2023

  • Search profiles are now configurable from Pre-Header & Search components
  • Site name links are now configurable from WWU Header component

Stephanie Paulantis
Carly Gerard


May 8, 2023

  • a11y improvements to accordions
  • usability improvements for page menus
  • typo fix for noscript footers
  • style fixes for degree cards


May 1, 2023

  • CTA Styles added for extensions other than PDF
  • Forced color improvments for icons
  • Template fix for page menus


April 17, 2023

Miscellaneous fixes:

  • fix tagline color
  • better radio buttons
  • footer fix
  • add padding to land statement
  • make ultimenu region selector more specific
  • fix testimonial markup in template
  • set font color on light gray based bgs"
  • hide random ultimenu button again
  • tabindex on accordion views
  • enter/space key controls for accordion
  • change field label to h2


April 10, 2023

Various minor style adjustments and bug fixes for the major release, related to:

  • Cards
  • Image links
  • Statistics
  • Footer
  • Overlays
  • Print Styles
  • Call to Action Links
  • Font size helper classes
  • Background videos
  • Accordions (in views, specifically)

There have also been various configuration fixes. Github branch has been updated so that it deploys on the main branch.

Stephanie Paulantis
Carly Gerard


March 6, 2022

  • npm updates
  • Facebook tracking pixel removed


February 2, 2022

Able Player styling


January 23, 2022

  • SkipTo plugin removed from theme
  • Line heigh reset on cards


January 11, 2022

  • NEW Paragraph templates for banners, media, and headings
  • NEW alignment helper classes added

Stephanie Paulantis
Carly Gerard


January 11, 2022

  • Paragraph templates for banners, media, and headings
  • New alignment helper classes added
  • NPM updates
  • Email template updates


December 5, 2022

  • Styles added for upcoming in-page menu component

  • Minor style updates for cards

  • Minor contrast fixes


November 14, 2022

  • Improvements to email signature for screen readers


November 7, 2022

  • Various dark mode and a11y style fixes


October 31, 2022

  • More forced colors style improvements

4.5.12 - 13

October 24, 2022

  • Accordion style and markup fixes for views


October 17, 2022

  • Updates for accordion

4.5.9 - 10

October 3, 2022

  • Mini pagers have unique aria labels
  • Forced color style updates


September 26, 2022

  • Glossary template override created
  • Year added to event card displays


September 20, 2022

  • Breadcrumbs update


September 13, 2022

  • Tugboat removed
  • Twig "spaceless" updated for future-proofing


September 12, 2022

  • 404 page fix
  • border-bottom helper classes added


September 6, 2022

  • Bug fix for background video pause feature
  • Contrast fix for accordions


August 22, 2022

  • Style a11y improvements for accordions, call to actions, split-style information cards, and layouts


August 8, 2022

  • Markup fix for schedule component links


July 25, 2022

  • Contrast fixes for icons with text


July 18, 2022

  • Modernized embed container styles
  • Alternate content switcher layout added

Stephanie Paulantis
Carly Gerard


July 7, 2022

  • Icon contrast fixes
  • Horizontal menu fix


June 27, 2022

  • Manual Login option added to theme's appearance settings


June 13, 2022

  • Menu fix


June 6, 2022

  • Card styles for APICs page
  • Manual login toggle added to theme
  • Forced color improvements
  • Wordpress builds script improvements


May 23, 2022

  • Forced color mode styles added
  • Content Switchers javascript updated, multiple switchers can now be added to a single page and custom element may be used
  • Inline field label styles fixed

Stephanie Paulantis
Carly Gerard


May 16, 2022

  • Fixed footer link
  • CDN scripting added


May 9, 2022

  • Fix for spacing helper classes
  • Typo fix for alerts
  • Files added for Azure deployments
  • Update component library yaml declaration


April 25, 2022

  • Minor style fixes for table and org chart


April 18, 2022

  • <wwu-footer> custom element created
  • Quicksearch removed from theme

Stephanie Paulantis
Carly Gerard


April 11, 2022

  • A11y fixes for Ultimenu and taxonomy term styles


April 6, 2022

  • Layout template fix for homepage
  • Dark mode css fix for cards
  • Accordion fix for views
  • Views filter a11y fix


March 21, 2022

  • Apple touch icon added
  • Styles for new directory, homepage navigation


March 14, 2022

  • Performance improvements for skip to link
  • Heading structure fixes for aggregator feeds
  • Removal of deprecated Ashlar library


March 7, 2022

  • Breadcrumb cacheing issue fix


February 28, 2022

  • A11y patch for visually hidden text running together
  • A few css fixes


February 22, 2022

The display settings and search will be moved up to a new, pre-header bar. Additionally, the skip to content link will become visible without requiring focus. There has also been a new "Jobs" quick link added to the menu.


New Mobile Header


New Desktop Header

The mobile menu layout and animation will change from a sliding animation to a fading animation, and the layout of the Western Quick links will change slightly. The site and Western footers will also now be visible when the mobile menu is open:

New Mobile Menu

The skip to content button now also has additional navigation functionality, for jumping to various headers on a page.

New Skip-to Menu