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Background Video

Important! See "Pattern Notes" before using on a live site.

Heading for this Video

Some content for this video. Not to be confused with the alt text, which should be a short description of what is going on in the video :)

<wwu-background-video src="" alt="4-second looping animation. The Mars Rover Curiosity crawls over rocky terrain as the camera pans over a vast, red landscape">
<h2>Heading for this Video</h2>
<p>Some content for this video. Not to be confused with the alt text, which should be a short description of what is going on in the video :)</p>

Pattern Notes

This pattern needs additional consideration from content creators to maintain site accessibility, usability, and performance.


Due to video using more bandwidth to load, content creators and editors should ensure the video is adding meaningful content and purpose, in addition to visual aesthetic. If a high quality banner image can also convey the intended message, or the purpose is strictly visual flair, compressed image formats are preferred over video (WebP, SVG, compressed JPEG/PNG).


If using this pattern, the following accessibility features must be included:

  • For short-form video (5 seconds or less): a text-based description of visuals must be provided through the alt attribute.
    • Example: "4-second looping animation. The Mars Rover Curiosity crawls over rocky terrain as the camera pans over a vast, red landscape."
  • For long-form video (6 seconds or longer), a link to an audio-described video version must be provided.
  • The text overlayed on the video background must meet color contrast requirements, for both regular and large text.